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Founded as Hubei Technical Institute in 1898 by Zhang Zhidong, Viceroy of Huguang Province in late Qing Dynasty



 Key public higher learning institution in Hubei Province

 Operating under the joint aegis of Hubei Provincial Government, Ministry of Education of PRC and 6 largest steel enterprises in China

 Claiming traditional strengths in engineering and sciences. which are integrated with medicine, economics, management, humanities, art, law, and philosophy


Physical Environment

 3 campuses (422 acres) including 2 city and 1 suburban campuses

 The Qingshan City Campus situated adjacent to the Yangtze River

 University Campus of Ecological Gardening in Hubei Province

 National Exemplary University for Campus Landscape



 About 30, 000 full-time including about 24, 000 undergraduates and 5,500 more postgraduates


Academic Units

 20 schools offering academic degrees, 32 plus research centers.7 affiliated teaching hospitals including 2 owned

 Academic Degree Programs;

71 undergraduate programs

152 academic master's degree programs

33 professional master's degree programs in 12 categorizes

38 doctoral programs

6 post-doctorate programs


Faculty and Staff

 Faculty: over 1,600; administrative staff about 1,000

 5 members of the Chinese Academy of Engineering serving as distinguished processors of adjunct status

 1 Chinese-national member of the Russian Academy of Engineering

 1 scholar accredited with the Changjiang Top Talent Project sponsored by the Ministry of Education of PRC

 2 scholars accredited with the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars.

Teaching Strengths

 58 national level projects of education quality

 4 national level teaching awards (ranking 15th nationally)

 Rated A in undergraduate education audit by Ministry of Education of PRC


Research Strengths

 1 quasi state key discipline accredited by the Central Government o PRC, and 27 key discipines accredited by Hubei Provincial Government

 1 state key laboratory, 2 accredited by Ministry of Education of PRC, and 8 accredited by Huber Provincial Government

 13 National Awards for Scientific and Technological Advancement and 5 National Awards for Technological Innovation


Student Achievements

 12 world and 13 national championships in FIFA World Cup

 5 Red Dot Design awards

 Champions in CUBA, CUBS and National College Students Sports Meet



 Graduates’ job placement rate in the last five years: 94%

 University for Excellence in Graduates’ Job Placement

 Alumni endowment ranking 44th nationally (2018)



 Best 100 Chinese Universities for Catering Service to Students

 Over 2.77 million volumes of books in 2 main libraries

 State-of art information system with wifi accessible in living & learning environment


Intentional Education

 Claiming the first international School officially approved in Hubei Province (1999)

 Successful provider of Chinese language and Eggshell-medium business and engineering education at various levels for students from Australia, Germany, Singapore, India, Pakistan. Japan and some other countries.

 Host of international students from various parts of the word for exchange experience in a broad range of disciplines

 'University for Excellence intentional Education' recognized by Hubei Provincial Government  

 'University for Excellence in International Relations and Service for Overseas Chinese' recognized by Hubei Provincial Government


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                                               Main Building on Qingshan  Capus                             Beautiful Qinhu                                        Open Air Stage


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                                                                              Dinning Hall                                     Library on Qingshan Campus                 Library on Huangjiahu Campus


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                                                  Xingtan Square on Huangjiahu Campus                   Students’ Discussion                                Students’ Dormitory   


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                                                   School Gate of Huangjiahu Campus                           Beautiful  Qinhu                                              Huangjiahu Lake 


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                                                           Ganghun Stone (Iron Will)                          Stadium and Fitness Center                              Beautiful  Flower