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The 5th International Postgraduate seminar

Author: Date:2022-05-25 Clicks:

From May 9th to 10th, the 5th International Postgraduate seminar on Refractories initiated by our school was successfully held. The seminar has an international presidium composed of well-known professors from 8 different countries, and the secretariat is permanent Wuhan University of Science and Technology. The rotating chairman of this seminar is Professor Harald Harmuth of Montanuniversitaet Leoben, Austria. The seminar adopts a combination of online and offline forms, with 23 universities and research institutes from 7 countries including China, Austria, Germany, Brazil, Poland, South Korea and Iran. More than 300 experts and scholars from the institute attended the seminar.

Professor Li Yawei, deputy director of the State Key Laboratory of Refractory and Metallurgy, delivered a welcome speech on behalf of the school, expressed a warm welcome to the guests who participated in the seminar, and expressed gratitude to the leaders and experts who have long cared about and supported the refractory material graduate seminar. It is expected that domestic and foreign universities will come to the school for exchanges, collaboration and cooperation to promote the high-quality development of the refractory industry. Mao Ying, Director of the Graduate Work Department of the Party Committee of the Graduate School of our school, Professor Cheng Changgui, Deputy Dean of the School of Materials and Metallurgy, Professor Han Bingqiang, Director of the Department of Inorganic Nonmetallic Materials Engineering, and Deputy Director Professor Huang Ao attended the seminar.

The seminar was attended by 11 graduate students from Technische Universitaet Bergakademie Freiberg in Germany, Seoul National University in South Korea, Federal University of San Carlos in Brazil, Montanuniversitaet Leoben in Austria, AGH University of Science and Technology in Poland, as well as from Wuhan University of Science and Technology, 13 graduate students from China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Henan University of Technology, Anhui University of Technology, Zhengzhou University, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Shanghai University, and University of Science and Technology Beijing made 24 academic reports, covering the topics of refractory raw materials, preparation, numerical value Simulation, performance characterization, application of five main aspects. At the same time, the seminar collected 23 posters from Northeastern University, Shanghai University, Zhengzhou University and other universities. Through reports and posters, the seminar provides a good learning and communication platform for postgraduates, enabling them to understand the latest research trends and development directions of the refractory industry at home and abroad, and expand their international horizons.

Professor Li Yawei of our school, Professor Christos G. Aneziris of Technische Universitaet Bergakademie Freiberg, Professor Harald Harmuth and Professor Jin Shengli of Montanuniversitaet Leoben, Professor In-Ho Jung of Seoul National University and Professor Pawel Stoch of AGH University of Science and Technology as the chairman presided over each stage of the seminar, and our doctoral students Li Shenghao, Li Yichong and Liu Wenjing attended the meeting and made oral reports. During the seminar, all graduate students made wonderful reports, and the participating experts and scholars asked questions enthusiastically, and achieved good communication and exchanges, and the seminar atmosphere was active.

Professor Harald Harmuth as the chairman of the seminarmade a detailed summary and analysis of the 24 reports of this seminar, and classified them according to the research content. After the selection and scoring, Professor Harmuth announced the best oral report and the best poster. The report of 6 graduate students including Miriam Bach and Seungjoo Baek was rated as the best oral report, which was produced by 4 graduate students including Zhe Chen and Weijie Cai The poster was awarded the best poster.

This seminar has been held for five consecutive sessions and has become an important platform for postgraduate training and academic exchanges among universities and research institutes in the field of refractory materials. An important part of the training work, this seminar has won the "Belt and Road" International Science and Technology Organization Platform Construction Project of China Association for Science and Technology, the second batch of new engineering research and practice projects of the Ministry of Education (E-CL20201928), Hubei Province Silicate Society Refractory Materials Supported by the branch and Hubei University Provincial Teaching Research Project (2021240).

上一条:The 2022 International Industry-University-Research Conference was held in our university 下一条:The 4th International Postgraduate Seminar
