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The 2022 International Industry-University-Research Conference was held in our university

Author: Date:2022-11-16 Clicks:

On November 10, the "Low-carbon Metallurgy and Advanced Materials" sub-conference of theMinistry of Education 2022 International Industry-University-Research and Application Cooperation Conference was held in the hall of our school. Mr. Huang Nianping, Director of Foreign Exchange and Cooperation Department of Hubei Provincial Education Department, Mr. Lv Yong, Vice President of Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Ms. Xiao Qiaoling, Director of International Exchange and Cooperation Department, Mr. She Chunyu, Vice Director of Institute of Science and Technology Development, Prof. Gu Huazhi, Dean of School of Materials and Metallurgy, and Prof. Li Yawei, Deputy Director of The Stay Key Laboratory of Refractories and Metallurgy. The opening ceremony was presided over by Xiao Qiaoling.

Ma Guojun, Huang Ao and Song Shengqiang from Wuhan University of Science and Technology presided over the academic report session. Professor Michel Boussuge from MINES ParisTech, France, took the industry-university-research and application process of high zirconium fused cast refractory for high quality glass smelting as an example, and introduced how to break through the technological bottleneck and promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements through innovative thinking and school-enterprise cooperation.

Professor Johannes Schenk from Montanuniversitaet Leoben in Austria explained in detail the principle, research progress and industrial application status of the new technology of zero-carbon emission plasma hydrogen melting reduction steelmaking, and called for the cooperation of domestic and foreign research institutes and enterprises in this field to promote energy conservation, environmental protection, quality and efficiency improvement of the traditional metallurgical industry.

Supported by the Ministry of Education and the People's Government of Jiangxi Province, the conference was jointly organized by the Department of Education of Hubei Province and Wuhan University of Science and Technology. With the theme of "Low-carbon Metallurgy and Advanced Materials", about 300 experts, scholars and postgraduates from home and abroad participated in the seminar through a combination of online and offline.

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